⊛ 提升肌膚免疫力
⊛ 緩解敏感症狀
⊛ 改善浮腫
⊛ 保持肌膚水嫩
* 建議與 Elixir Protector 一同使用效果更佳。
西班牙製造, 成分天然,不含化學防腐劑,人造色素、香料,矽和動物成份。
- 洋甘菊精油(緩解敏感症狀,改善浮腫,減少紅血絲和調整膚色不均問題) |
- 橙花水(滋養抗皺,能平衡肌膚油脂,放鬆神經,增強細胞活力,提升彈性,使肌膚光滑水嫩) |
- 紫錐花精華(提升肌膚免疫力,抵抗細菌入侵) |
- 玫瑰精油(調整肌膚水分,殺菌消炎,喚醒細胞再生功能) |
Revitalizing Flower Infusion
Combination of hydrolats and infusions stimulating florals, such as chamomile, orange blossom and echinacea. It is designed to calm, refresh and improve the appearance of the skin. Its natural preservatives of probiotics and prebiotics, in addition to keeping the product alive, will help you improve quality, health and promote the natural hydration factor of the skin.
Benefits Moisturizes, Calms, Balances, Refreshes
Suitable to prevent and improve Dryness, Dehydration, Sensitivity, Tired Skin, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Eczema
How to use Suitable for all skin types.
- With clean and dry skin, spray all over the face and neck.
Apply it as many times as you want a day, it will leave you feeling fresh and revitalized, and you will also fall in love with its natural aroma.
Improves absorption and hydration ability with Hydration routine.
Combine and Mix with Elixir Protector